WokeNFree September Report (2019)

3 min readOct 1, 2019

Passion is important. It is what drives us to feel like we have purpose in this very dynamic world we live in. Kahlil and I are very lucky to have several passions in our lives. What if you haven’t found something you are passionate about? Don’t fret. There are 6 simple steps to take to finding your passion in life.

#1 Get Real with Yourself

Who is responsible for your happiness? Is it your partner? Is it your children’s responsibility? Or, is it YOU? If you aren’t happy or you feel like something is missing, are you willing to admit this to yourself? Can you write those words down? Can you say it out loud? If so, then you are ready for transformational change.

#2 Plan for Change

Once you can get real with yourself, then you have to ask yourself what’s next? Change requires determination, strategy, and commitment. If you need to find your passion, then you need to book time in your schedule to do exactly that. If you book daily, weekly, or monthly time to explore your passions then you are more likely to find what you are looking for in life.

#3 Just Do It

Are you going to find something you are passionate about the first time you try something new? Who knows but Nike’s “Just Do It” slogan is what you should keep in mind when you book a time to go rock climbing, sign up to learn French, buy equipment for your new podcast, or anything else you try. The only way you will know if you love something is by doing it. So…Just Do It!

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#4 Reflect and Move Forward

Have you ever tried a new hobby and hated it? You actually swore to yourself that you would never try that activity again. Maybe you should, maybe you shouldn’t. Either way, you can’t let a bad experience stand in the way of you having a good one in the future. Take time to reflect and understand why you didn’t enjoy that activity and keep it moving!

Listen to WokeNFree Storytime HERE

#5 Grow Your Network

One of the best way to learn about to learn about new things to discover in this world is by actively growing your network. The more you speak with other people, the more you will learn about cool new books to read, podcasts to listen to, places to travel to, and activities to try.

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#6 Enjoy the Process

Gary Vaynerchuk is a HUGE proponent of loving the process of what we do. We couldn’t agree more. The journey of finding your passion is a long journey. There will be ups and downs along the way. If you refuse to commit to loving the journey (regardless of the outcome) you will be more frustrated then needed.




WokeNFree is a podcast brought to you by a husband and a wife who are interested in being honest and real with each other and the world at WokeNFree.com