WokeNFree April Report (2021)

Apr 24, 2021


Have you joined WokeNFree Nation?

This month, we are so blessed to celebrate 8 years of marriage!

Want to know what we have learned after spending over 16 years together and 8 years of marriage?

#1 Do Something You Both Love

Catch the NEW Episode HERE

#2 Be Grateful for the Good, the Bad, and Everything In Between

#3 Plan for the Future You Want

#4 Don’t Lose Your Sense of Humor

#5 Remember a Happy Wife = Happy Life

#6 Pay Attention to Each Other’s Wants and Needs

#7 Be Accountable For Your Actions

#8 Choose Happiness




WokeNFree is a podcast brought to you by a husband and a wife who are interested in being honest and real with each other and the world at WokeNFree.com